The basic definition of a project is, ‘a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.’ A project environment can be very different from day to day operations, and often doesn’t receive the time or attention it deserves. Small businesses have a lot on their plate already, and it’s all too easy for big (and small) projects to fall to the wayside. Que, project management!
Having a project manager will increase the likelihood of a project being successful and profitable, therefore enabling your business to grow. If you’re unsure whether or not your business should outsource a project manager, ask yourself these few questions.
Q1: Are you lacking in-house expertise? Sometimes a project requires a highly specialized skill set that an in-house employee doesn’t have the knowledge (or time) to handle. With a broader scope and knowledge of what’s needed to complete the project properly, a project manager can identify the goals, milestones, KPI’s, and vision of the project. They’ll be able to give the project purpose and direction, and provide top-down direction and expertise to employees.
Q2: Are you running out of time or feeling burnt out? Projects have a tendency to take on a life of their own, and often turn into something more tedious and overwhelming than expected. Small businesses in particular have a tough time with this, as employees often wear many hats and take on numerous projects at once. In addition, it helps to have a third-party, unbiased opinion. Especially if you’ve been stuck on the project for awhile, a project manager can help you jump over any unexpected hurdles or creative roadblocks. Alleviating these heavy project tasks from your employees will give them more time to work on other pressing tasks and do what they do best — their jobs!
Q3: Are you looking to save money? There are some instances where outsourcing a project manager can get pricey. But in most cases, it’s much cheaper than hiring someone full time. Hiring a full-time, in-house project manager may also require you to purchase health benefits, training and continued education, computer equipment, etc. Because outsourcing project managers work on a contract basis, you’ll only be paying for the allotted time they work, eliminating all the ‘extra’ stuff.
Q4: Do you feel like you aren’t being efficient? Sometimes it seems like you have a project under control, only to realize it’s barely afloat. For example, maybe all your tasks are getting done, but they’re all being marked off last minute, and with little wiggle room. Project managers can provide advice on how to better manage your time, and show you direct ways in which you can be more proactive.
If you think your organization is in need of an outsourced project manager, you’ve come to the right place! At Bay Anchors, we organize complicated projects into detailed tasks, and will help you manage the project from concept to delivery. We want to be the reliable, stable support (the anchor) that keeps your project from drifting off track. Feel free to visit our project management services page for more info, or contact us today for more information. We look forward to working with you!